Terms and conditions
According to the provisions of Law 677/2001 for the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and their free movement, amended and supplemented, and of Law no. 506/2004 regarding the processing of personal data and the protection of private life in the electronic communications sector, S.C. Investo Consult S.R.L. based in …., registered at the Trade Registry Office under no. J../…/.., Fiscal Code no. …….. undertakes to respect the confidentiality of the information taken from the users of the site.
Also according to art. 12-15 of Law 677/2001 you benefit from the right to information, the right to access data, the right to intervene on the data, the right to oppose and the right to go to court. At the same time, you have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you and to request the deletion of the data. To exercise these rights, you can send a written, dated and signed request through the contact form or by post to our company’s address. If some of your data is incomplete or incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible so that we can correct/modify the data in order to benefit from the best quality services.
Your data will be managed safely and only for the purpose for which they were requested and will only be communicated to contractual partners, service and goods providers, banking companies or state authorities (only if expressly required by law). If you refuse to provide certain data, we will find ourselves unable to provide you with the requested services. If you register on our website, it assumes that you are aware of the rights mentioned above and that you give your consent for your personal data to be used by our company for marketing, advertising purposes and to be able to deliver the orders placed on the website.
Personal information can still be transmitted to public institutions or state authorities only if:
- there are legal provisions in this sense;
- prevent a crime;
- protect individual safety or public/national safety;
- SC Investo Consult S.R.L., based in ... county, will be acquired by another company;
- site: https://investoconsult.com/
- email: contact@investoconsult.com
- address: ...
- phone: +40 72.......